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Limerick Branch

Network Ireland Limerick Branch is a non-profit, voluntary organisation which supports the professional and personal development of women. It provides a forum in which women can develop professional and personal contacts to ensure that their contribution and influence is recognised as a vital force in business and in society.

Network Limerick’s membership includes both entrepreneurs and employees, SME owners and professionals, leaders in indigenous and multinational organisations, non-profits, the arts and public sector.

Some of the key areas Network Ireland Limerick branch will be focusing on in 2024 include Mental Health & Resilence, Mindset, Leadership and Performance, Women’s Health & Nutrition, Self Image, Social Media, Marketing & Branding, Sustainability, Diversity and Inclusion & Creative Events.

At the Limerick Branch we look forward to organising coffee mornings, monthly events, wellness morning, workshops, business woman awards, a Christmas party and more for our members.

We welcome any new members also to Network Ireland Limerick Branch. Most of our events will be free as part of your membership.

Members can also avail of the national mentoring programme and attend events in any branch within the country.

AIB is the official partner for Network Ireland and Network Ireland Limerick is also supported by LEO Limerick Enterprise Office.

Network Ireland is a signatory of Diversity Charter Ireland.

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Committee 2024

Fiona Doyle
Fiona Doyle Personal Stylist
Eve Stafford
Vice President & Awards Coordinator
Eve Staford Soprano
Karen Ronan
Ex Officio
Shannon Region Sports & Conference Bureau
Aisling Finn
Jaguar Landrover
Michelle Daly Hayes
Michelle Daly Consultancy and Writer
Carmel Bracken
Membership Officer
Design Wise
Barbara McCarthy
Membership Officer
Johnson and Johnson
Petrina Hayes Meskell
Membership Officer
Quality Assurance Advisor
Emma Wilson
Membership Officer
Keeper Solutions
Celine Gill
Communications Officer
Style at No. 5
Caragh O Shea
Events Officer
Rugby Travel
Christine Lane
Social Media Officer
Mojo Matters
Nell Stritch
Social Media Officer
Pressed Flowers by Nell
Katie O Sullivan
Newsletter Officer
KOS Consulting and Training
Lynda Sheehan
Website Officer
Rockbarton Garden Centre